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Questions about the program? Book a FREE call or text us now!
The biggest shift in mindset for me has been how my confidence in my body has translated to my confidence in everything else. If I can change my body, I know I can change other things I never thought possible.
Results ARE typical and to be expected with MyBodyTutor. See why at the end of this page.
If Mike can do it with MyBodyTutor you can too. Yes, YOU! (No, we're not yelling. We just really believe in what we do.)
I heard about MyBodyTutor through Noah Kagan from It was during SumoCon 2016 in Austin, TX and we were walking to a dinner the Sumo staff had set up for the attendees. Referencing how clearly jacked he had become, I said to Noah, "Whatever it is you've done, I want that." He said he'd hook me up with his friend Adam at MyBodyTutor and that the program is mostly about diet.
I've been pretty active my whole life (at times, working out 5-6 days / week), but I was in this weird situation at the time where I had stopped working out and was getting more results in business. I was beginning to get in the mindset, maybe that's just how it is if you want your business to grow. Up until then, I was working out hard, and working hard on my business, and wasn't getting far with either.
I called Adam while still in Austin and we discussed the program. The fact that the program was, indeed, mostly about diet intrigued me the most. I thought, if I can workout less and still get results, perhaps it's worth a try. The only other thing holding me back was the cost, so I'll explain how I compartmentalized it to anyone who may be reading this.
Adam and I discussed a 6-month program for me to reach my goals (6-pack abs, bigger biceps) and how I could workout from home with the only extra purchase being bands.
The athletic club I had recently discontinued was $117 / month, which equates to $1,404 per year. When you combine year after year of working out and not getting anywhere at my gym, MyBodyTutor is the actual bargain because their philosophy is to give you the tools you need for success (for both diet and working out) and then let you go off on your own. Plus, they have maintenance programs available after you've reached your goal.
It took me a few months to mull over the cost piece, but I would regularly go back to the MyBodyTutor website and read the testimonials. It was ultimately Neville's testimonial that made me bite the bullet. He said he joined with the goal of getting 6-pack abs, simply because he didn't think it was possible. I felt exactly the same way after years of trying, and finally thought, ok let's give this a shot.
I got teamed up with an awesome coach, and he set up a list of foods to include/exclude, as well as a pretty simple workout program: twice per week for 30-45 minutes. That helped me ease into the process. I workout more often now, but I decided to add almost all the workouts myself since then because I felt ready for them. I didn't need to be dragged into doing them.
One of the key things the program focuses on is refined sugar elimination. It's crazy, you'd think you'd miss sugar once you start toning it down, but the exact opposite was true for me. On the contrary, EVERYTHING started to taste sweet. When you start thinking a carrot is sweet, you know you're headed in the right direction. I don't think we realize how blown out our taste buds are with the average American diet, and just how much sugar we consume. Even if you just start there, you'll see the pounds start to go down rather quickly. And again, you won't be missing out on anything, you'll be getting your taste buds back!
Far more than my own determination, I'd say the hardest part was dealing with everyone around me (in the beginning). I still indulge here and there, but when family and friends get together, I often have to make choices that differ from what everyone else is eating. I definitely encountered comments in the beginning, and you just need to be ready for those, whether it's coming from family or friends. You get through it, though, so much so that it feels inspiring. Here's how the surrounding comments were themed as I went through the program:
1 month in: Poking fun at me for not joining in on what everyone else is eating.
3 months in: Seeing that I'm losing weight and asking me if I'm okay.
6 months in: Getting private messages and texts asking me for advice (to which I point them straight to MyBodyTutor.
I started out at 170 pounds and reached my lean-out goal of 139 pounds in six months. I decided to stay on the program for another two months because I wanted to focus on bulking my biceps a little more, so now I'm gaining weight, but it's muscle weight. The extra two months were worth it because now I feel like I have the tools to help me throughout the year. In other words, I now know how to structure my workouts and diet when I want to lean out and when I want to bulk up, which I plan to alternate throughout the year.
The biggest shift in mindset for me has been how my confidence in my body has translated to my confidence in everything else. If I can change my body, I know I can change other things I never thought possible. I'm more aware of what I want in life and less patient with surrounding bullshit. It's a great feeling. :)
So to sum up, would I recommend MyBodyTutor? Absolutely. I'd recommend it to anyone. It has been transformational for both my body and mind.
What did you say to yourself as you were reading Mike's story?
It's fascinating when we start to notice our own behavior. Typically, we distance ourselves from that person. We find something they have that we don't. We make them into something other than an ordinary, regular person. Then, we create an excuse for why we can't achieve the same level of success.
The most important thing to realize: Whatever anyone else has done or become, you can do or become as well, with the right support, guidance, and accountability.
Here's the best part: I guarantee it or your money back. I sincerely believe in what we offer that much. I know MyBodyTutor will be the last program you ever do or need.
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