Become a Certified Accountability Coach and Turn Your Passion for Health & Fitness into Your New 9 to 5.

And more importantly, gain the confidence you need to consistently take any client to their goal.

“I knew what to tell people they need to do to get fit, but when I became an accountability coach I learned the real secret to results is in Mindset, Psychology, and Habits.” – Heather

Getting Results is Far More Than Meal Plans and Workout Videos

MyBodyTutor is an ISSA Approved Continuing Education Provider


The Mindset, Psychology, Habits (MPH) Accountability Coach Certification is an Entirely New Way to:​

Start a career in health & fitness by learning how to get clients the results they want in a consistent, repeatable way.

So if you want to:

  • Feel confident and qualified to coach anyone.

  • See instant results for yourself and your clients.

  • Master the art of accountability coaching.

  • Use a proven system that's helped thousands of clients reach their goals.

  • Learn to change a client's Mindset, Psychology, and Habits around food and exercise.

  • Become an unstoppable accountability expert that guarantees results.

The Accountability Coach Certification is All You Need

MyBodyTutor has been featured in:


How to Become a Leader in the Coaching Industry with Our Accountability Coach Certification Program


Hi, I’m Adam Gilbert, Founder and Chief Body Tutor.

And since 2007, I’ve helped thousands reach their goals with daily accountability. And I’ll teach you everything I know so you can confidently get results.

Today, I’m going to share a system with you. One that—once you learn how to apply it—will immediately place you in the top 10% of all health and fitness coaches.

And the best part:

  • You DON’T need a degree in exercise science or nutrition.

  • You DON’T need years of experience in health & fitness, and

  • You DON’T need a personal trainer, group fitness, or health coach certification.

Anyone with a passion for helping others reach their goals can easily build a rewarding and successful coaching career with the MPH Accountability Coach Certification. Because, as you’re about to see, success is *not* about calculating calories, tracking macros, and obsessing over time in the gym…

It’s about Mindset, Psychology, and Habits combined with a serious dose of accountability.

But before we get there:

How I Discovered the Power of Accountability​

Health, nutrition, and psychology have always been my obsession. Since 4th grade, I knew that one day my career would be in health and fitness. And for as long as I can remember, I was the “go-to” for friends, family, and co-workers on anything health related.

They’d ask, “Adam, what do I need to do to get fit?”

So I would sit with them and build a custom meal plan and a workout routine sure to get results. We’d talk about what and when to eat and how to exercise. And for hours, I’d answer all their questions. Finally, we’d have their new plan…

And I could see in their eyes they were excited and chomping at the bit to get started. I knew *this* plan was exactly what they needed, and *this* would be the time they turned it all around.

But, there was a problem.

I discovered that even with the best laid plans, the story would always end the same…

…I got caught up with kids and homework.

…It was happy hour.

…I got sucked into a 7-hour reality show binge.

They wanted to get fit and they were ready to start, but there was always a reason *why* they couldn’t stick to it. And it became clear everyone asking for help already knew *what* to do. They knew what to eat. They knew what to avoid. And they knew how to exercise.

But still, no one would stick to a plan longer than a few weeks.

And that’s because a lack of information isn’t the problem at all. In fact, it never was. Darren Hardy said:


I knew there had to be a better answer. There had to be another way!

And I couldn’t continue to let those that truly needed help start another diet — only to see them give up after a few weeks. From that point, it became my life’s mission to solve the problem of consistency and end the on-again, off-again cycle that causes so much pain, disappointment, and frustration.

That was 2007. And that was the year I quit my comfortable, secure job to start MyBodyTutor, where we simplify the process of getting fit and solve the problem of consistency.

And for over a decade, I designed a system that answered the burning question…

“Why can’t I stick to a diet.”

And what I discovered was the answer that unlocked the secret to consistency. When you change a client’s Mindset, Psychology, and Habits through accountability, suddenly clients that never thought they could stick to a plan now can—for the first time in their lives.

Clients that felt hopeless after years of failing, now felt hopeful because they know this is what they were missing. And since 2007, this exclusive system has proven successful thousands of times over.

They don’t teach this in any school or online course.

The only place you can learn this one-of-a-kind system is inside the MPH Accountability Coach Certification program. And it’s here where you’ll learn exactly how to get clients from Day 1 to their goal—consistently, repeatably, and confidently.

Get Started Now

To become a successful health and fitness coach, there’s something you need to understand…

Getting Results is Far More Than Meal Plans and Workout Videos​

Degrees and certifications focus on information—the theory and application of health and fitness.

  • Total Daily Energy Expenditure, Body Mass Index, Basal Metabolic Rate.

  • Calories and macro ratios.

  • Anatomy, biomechanics, functional movement.

Now, don’t get me wrong; all of that is important.


Getting results has so little to do with what’s on your client’s plate or what they do inside the gym. If information is the answer, any coach with a certification could get their clients results. But the sad truth is that they can’t.

Most coaches don’t know how to change the reasons *why* clients sabotage their success. They have foundational knowledge, but they’re missing the skills they need to tear down the roadblocks standing in their clients' way.

There Are 100,000+ Health and Fitness Coaches, but Only a Handful Know the Secret to...

Keeping clients motivated, consistent, and on-track.

Most certification programs gloss over or completely miss the skills coaches need most: how to change a client’s Mindset, Psychology, and Habits (MPH) through a system of accountability.

But when you learn this, you’ll have a set of deeper skills only the best coaches possess.

What's Makes A Good Coach Great?

In this FREE Training, you'll learn:

  • The secret to getting inside your client’s head (and why it’s the #1 way to get your clients taking action).

  • A simple 3-step formula EVERYONE can use to light a fire under their clients and get them motivated again.

  • Why having a “hard conversation” with your clients is the BEST phone call you’ll ever make. (And why 99% of coaches will NEVER do it.)

  • Answer these 3 questions and your clients will INSTANTLY trust you.

  • 2 mindset changes that will make a good coach GREAT. And all it takes is flipping this one simple switch.

  • The #1 key to creating unstoppable momentum—even when your client doesn’t “feel committed” anymore.

Ready to become unstoppable? Download "The 8 'Unspoken Rules' of the Most Successful Health & Fitness Coaches."

No games, no spam. Only useful info you can apply immediately.

Why Mindset, Psychology, and Habits (MPH) Matter

There’s a reason why some clients will NEVER hit their goal. Most people think all it takes to hop online, download a meal plan, install an app, and start obsessing over food.

But that couldn’t be further from the truth. The reason most people fail is because they’re focusing on the wrong things — food and exercise.

Food and exercise are important, but it’s only 20% of the problem. What’s missing is the other 80%.

The reasons WHY clients can’t stick to the plan.

It’s their Mindset, Psychology, and Habits.


If You're Not Focusing On Your Client's MPH, You're Fighting A Losing Battle.

If you can’t help clients beat the 80%, no degree or certification will save you.

Now, sure, you may get lucky and have a client hit their goal. But if you don’t change their Mindset, Psychology, and Habits, then guess what? Their results won’t last. And they’ll simply fall back into their old habits and their “old way” of doing things.

That’s why you must:

Master The Art Of Accountability Coaching



Learn to change the way your clients see their challenges. Because once you change their mindset, you change everything.



Learn the psychology of behavioral change, how to motivate your clients, and why addressing psychology is critical to making change possible.



Learn how to create and build new, lasting habits through simple mindset changes and daily practice.



Learn the coaching system MyBodyTutor has used for 15+ years, so your clients get quick, sustainable results.



Confidence is a result of a strong foundation of skills and a using a repeatable process you are certain will get results.



Learn how to rescue your clients, get them back on-track, on-plan, and making progress.

With the MPH Accountability Coach Certification, you'll:

  • Feel confident knowing you can handle your client's biggest challenges.

  • Have a proven system that removes all the guesswork.

  • Own the skills to influence REAL change.

  • Spend less time worrying if your clients will stick around.

  • Stand out from EVERY other coach -- even if they have a string of certifications behind their name.

  • Be well on your way to starting a career you have complete 100% control over.

  • Have the freedom to work from anywhere in the world.


Meet Your Instructor!

Meet Haley, your Accountability Coach Certification Instructor and the Head Trainer at MyBodyTutor.

Haley trains the coaches that become the best in the world at delivering highly-personal, daily accountability and health & fitness coaching.

“What I’m about to share with you is what we’ve learned from over a decade of coaching. We’ve done all the trial and error, we’ve spent the money, we’ve invested the time (Oh, the time!), and we’ve helped thousands hit their goals. We’ve done all the leg work, and now you get to reap the benefits.

No other course teaches you how to get inside the head of the client to help them achieve change. Simply put, this is the ultimate learning experience.

Set aside any hesitations or concerns that you might not be able to do this – I’m going to give you all the tools you need and show you what to do to get your clients over their biggest, scariest obstacles and achieve their health and fitness goals.”

In the course, you'll learn:


The Anatomy of Accountability

Learn what accountability is and why it’s the glue that ties commitment to results.

You’ll learn why you simply can’t give your clients a meal and exercise plan and expect them to follow it.

There’s a reason why your clients aren’t making progress and you’re about to learn why and how to fix it.


Building an Unstoppable Plan

Here, you’ll learn the critical steps to building an accountability plan, setting realistic goals, measuring success, tracking progress, and holding accountability conversations.


Accountability in Action

Here you’ll learn how to move from planning to action.

We’ll teach you how to get your client excited about the plan, how to make action painless, and how to stay focused, but flexible.


Solving Your Clients’ Biggest, Most Complicated Problems

You’ll learn what to do when your client:

  • Can't stick to a diet.

  • Knows what to do, but can't do it.

  • Struggles to tame the sugar demon.

  • Can't stop eating at night.

  • Falls into the self-sabotage trap.

And how to help your client:

  • Beat all-or-nothing thinking.

  • Stop chasing perfection.

  • Escape the feeling of overwhelm.


Building Plans From Start To Finish

Finally, you’ll build a plan from start to finish and put your accountability skills to the test.

This is what makes this certification so effective. The proof is in the work!

What Accountability Coaches Have To Say


With all my training, years of knowledge, and certifications, I thought I knew everything I needed to know about weight loss and fitness, yet I was “stuck” when it came to trying to help my clients lose weight.

The knowledge I gained in becoming an accountability coach completely changed that. Now, I have the confidence to take ANY client to their goal.

Accountability Coach


I had no idea how important human behavior and accountability were, but I’ve come to realize it’s EVERYTHING.

Knowing what mindset tips, exercises, and challenges to give to clients when they need it most increases engagement, drives progress, and increases client success more than any other food tactic or hack.

Accountability Coach


I have a background in exercise and health science, and I’ve taken nutrition courses. But I didn’t realize just how much the psychological aspect truly played into one’s fitness journey.

As an accountability coach, I am confident with taking on any client now and my confidence continues to grow.

Accountability Coach

How To Become An Accountability Coach

In the MPH Accountability Coach program, you’ll get everything you need to improve your client’s lives using our breakthrough system of accountability and coaching.

When you enroll, you will get access to our custom resources and exclusive digital training.

And at the end of the course, you will demonstrate your knowledge through an online assessment and become a certified MPH Accountability Coach.

  • Even if you don't have a lot of experience. You have to start somewhere. And having a system proven to work is far more important than years of experience.

  • Even if you don't have a health and fitness degree. Remember, knowledge isn't the problem. Everyone knows what to do, what people are begging for is help turning info into action.

  • Even if you don't know how to start a coaching business. It all starts with ONE. MyBodyTutor didn't start with thousands of clients. Take one client to success and then another. Then you won't have to worry about where to find more.

  • Even if you're thinking, "Why would anyone listen to me?" Being a coach isn't about being an expert in everything. Be an expert in accountability. That's what people want and need.

There is no “perfect” time. There’s always something on the horizon and always a reason to delay.

The first step is the most important.

How Much Is The MPH Accountability Coach Certification Program?

Get started now, learn a whole new way to get your clients results, and gain the confidence you need for just…

12 Monthly Payments of $70

. . . .

Or pay in full and save $120 off the monthly price.

You won't believe the knowledge, skills, and system you'll gain from our program - seriously, it's priceless!

  • Why settle for the same old certifications that everyone else has?

  • Will those certs really make you stand out from the crowd?

  • And will other certifications ensure you can actually keep clients, so you can continue working with the freedom you want?

To me, the answer is crystal clear - joining our certification program is an easy choice. You'll gain the confidence you need, learn a proven system, and tap into our 15+ years of experience working with thousands of clients.

Plus, here's a heads up - the price for our certification will be going up soon. So, if you want to take your career to the next level, there's no better time to join us than right now!

So, what are you waiting for? Let's get started and get you certified!

Got Questions? We've Got Answers

How long will it take to complete the MPH Certification?

Can this be applied to other things like business or productivity coaching?

How is the course material delivered?

Is there a live training aspect to the MPH Certification?

Can my employer verify if my certification is valid?

Got any other questions about the certification?

I'm here to help and answer all the questions you have! Just give me a ring, shoot me a text, or drop me an email:

(516) 456-6248

And don't worry, when you call or text, you won't be stuck talking to some robot or a call center. This is my personal number, and you can reach me anytime. Helping you is what I love to do, so don't hesitate to reach out.

Let's get those questions answered and get you certified!


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