
No other program will change your life like this…forever. Sign up. Go do it. Now.





Results ARE typical and to be expected with MyBodyTutor. See why at the end of this page.

If Laura can do it with MBT you can too. Yes, YOU! (No, we’re not yelling. We just really believe in what we do.)

Why MBT Worked For Me? (In her words.)

My journey with MBT has been life-changing in more ways than I can count. I first discovered MyBodyTutor through articles online about leptin and ghrelin regulation, important hormones that regulate appetite and satiety. Clearly, mine were way off as I was SO hungry at night and random other times that seemed to make no sense.

This “hunger” was driving weight gain, which I was painfully aware of every minute of every day, and in every photo that I “had” to be in, I hid behind children. Bathing suit photos on holidays were no-fly zones or got quickly deleted. Summers became increasingly stressful – it became harder and harder to hide my body when weather called for shorts and tank tops. Paradoxically, during this same time of weight gain, I HAD been making changes in my diet.

I HAD become very interested in nutrition and health, and had even begun taking courses to become a nutritional consultant, and I WAS working out…HARD. I *actually* thought my problem was lack of knowledge in this area. However, it became increasingly evident to me that something else was off kilter with my relationship to food. Despite formally learning about nutrition, using great recipes (I love cooking), exercising (I love working out), I looked and felt terrible, and it was becoming worse all the time.


The rising desperation in me could hardly be contained. I seemed stuck in a pattern of a few good days followed by days or more of lethargy and bad food choices. Once I got sick of that, I’d start the cycle all over again. NOT FUN.

So, I signed up for MyBodyTutor emails as they were talking about something new that no one else was, including my nutritional program. I read every email over and over and finally one day, replied to one as I was so struck by the DAMN TRUTH in it about “Why we eat.”

To my surprise, Adam replied personally, inviting me to talk. Well now… that’s a bit unorthodox and so after we got through my initial ‘are you a telemarketer-scammer-guy conversation,’ I agreed to speak.


You may not know much about MBT and its passionate founder, Adam. Disclaimer: it’s not a scam. Claim: MBT WILL change your life. Not overnight, but through daily direct contact, in supportive and creative human ways that are both wise and so very encouraging.

Let’s face it: losing weight and keeping it off is not about INFORMATION. Sure, there are some definite dos and don'ts but if you DON’T DO the DOS and KEEP DOING the DON’TS, and don’t know why, you’re stuck. → Enter MBT and My Body Tutor.

Let me tell you, I was so nervous to sign up. Sharing what I eat with someone every day? That’s pretty vulnerable, but you know what? It SUCKED more to hate how I looked in photos and I FELT DAMN vulnerable wearing shorts when I was overweight.

I knew that to get out of my rut, I had to get real and begin sharing the truth. My tutor was the most talented, loving person who uniquely challenged, encouraged, directed and re-directed, and inspired me DAILY. My failures. My falters… and slowly, LOTS of wins!

She identified patterns that led to me falling off the wagon which she later said actually doesn’t exist (spoiler alert: it’s a journey, not a bus ride). She gave me strategies that WORKED. Guess what? The pounds fell off. I’m not a lose-weight easy person and I still have to work hard and do the same things to keep the weight off, but the scale moved.

I got consistent with my exercise. I quit self-destructing because of stress, I learned… about myself. “Hi, my name is Laura and I’m an emotional eater!” Besides the components in foods that can act like real opioids (hello cheese) and sugars that just, well feed our brain quickly and make it feel good when it’s exhausted, MBT revealed my own addictive patterns around food.

You can’t beat what you can’t see – when my tutor identified these things and supported me in removing them, I finally could overcome. Habits that were so ingrained (like eating before bed) are no longer part of my life. I realized so many things about my choices around food through my tutor peeling the layers off me in a safe, loving way.

I learned what was driving my bad choices that kept me from feeling fit, lean and happy in my own skin. Feeling like the “chugly” duckling in my family of tall, slim beauties was slowly killing me. She helped me to “face my stuff, not stuff my face” (an Adam-ism) WHICH in turn, CHANGED MY LIFE. She helped me develop courage to face and identify those stressors and ‘scary’ things in my life and be braver than I’d been. In the process, I re-discovered something important: MYSELF.

Joining MBT not only helped me lose 21 pounds and through consistent exercise, build a lot of muscle, but it helped me clarify my purpose and make important life changes by facing reality instead of medicating and avoiding with food. I applied to (and was accepted) to Graduate school to pursue my MSc degree in Nutrition & Functional Medicine and quit my dead-end job of 13 years that was slowly killing me.

Now a full-time student, one day I hope to help others by combining both an evidence-based approach to nutrition AND the human touch that only comes from relationship. MBT showed me how to create a healthy relationship with food and develop new habits that helped me achieve my personal goals. My tutor helped me uncover my “hurts, hang-ups and habits” that were keeping me from being my best.

MBT is the only program designed to dig into our daily life habits and unpack the things that are holding us back. I truly thought I was a hopeless case, designed to live my life as ‘thick’.

If you are STUCK, I cannot encourage you enough to sign up with MBT. No other program will change your life like this…forever. Sign up. Go do it. Now.

I am eternally grateful for Adam and my tutor in my life!

Results 21 pounds gone

What did you say to yourself as you were reading Laura’s story?
It’s fascinating when we start to notice our own behavior. Typically, we distance ourselves from that person. We find something they have that we don’t. We make them into something other than an ordinary, regular person. Then, we create an excuse for why we can’t achieve the same level of success.
The most important thing to realize: Whatever anyone else has done or become, you can do or become as well, with the right support, guidance and accountability.
Here’s the best part: I guarantee it or your money back. I sincerely believe in what we offer that much. I know MBT will be the last program you ever do or need.

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