




Results ARE typical and to be expected with MyBodyTutor. See why at the end of this page.

Why it Worked (in his words):

At 197 pounds I hated how I looked and felt and wanted to make a change.

How did you find out about us?

I had heard about MBT through friends who had success with MBT.

What have you tried in the past?

Before MBT, I was working out on my own with little knowledge of training and nutrition.

Any hesitations / doubts you had before joining?

I was hesitant in committing at first because it was an online program. Though after speaking with Adam, I felt reassured that working with MBT would ensure I reach my goals. I quickly realized that working with MBT has many advantages over working with someone in person.

What were your hopes before joining?

I hoped to achieve my goal of losing weight in a sustainable way and feeling better about myself.

What made you sign up MBT?

All the success stories and testimonials made signing up with MBT a no brainer. That, coupled with my friends trying it out and seeing their own individual results, made MBT a trustworthy service that I wanted to try for myself.

How MBT is different from the billion and one other companies out there?

So many ways, but the built-in accountability system is key. It made it easy to track my progress and get daily feedback regarding my nutrition and training. It made all the difference.

Results. How your life is now -- were your hopes met?

Ha! Well, I lost 47 pounds. I'm now 150 pounds and because of the habits and health-centric mindset I gained from MBT, I know I'll be able to easily maintain this for life. There's no going back. Joining MBT has been one of the best things I've ever done for myself! I feel amazing!

Anything else that you think is worth sharing?

Accountability is critical to building successful habits, but success doesn't happen overnight, so if you're thinking about signing up with MBT on the preface that results happen immediately, think again. Success is inevitable with MBT, but it takes time.

This is why so many people fail. They start something but never stick with it because of the time it takes. That's one of the reasons why MBT is so effective. The daily coaching makes it fun and easy to stick with.

Results 47 pounds gone

What did you say to yourself as you were reading Angelo’s story?

It’s fascinating when we start to notice our own behavior. Typically, we distance ourselves from that person. We find something they have that we don’t. We make them into something other than an ordinary, regular person. Then, we create an excuse for why we can’t achieve the same level of success.

The most important thing to realize: Whatever anyone else has done or become, you can do or become as well, with the right support, guidance and accountability.

Here’s the best part: I guarantee it or your money back. I sincerely believe in what we offer that much. I know MBT will be the last program you ever do or need.

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