

Hello there! My name is Sole and I'm going to try to sum up my life a little bit for you guys. I grew up on a farm in Argentina and I was always the skinny kid and my family praised me for it. I was rewarded for being the skinny kid with love and shown off to other members of my family as “you see how pretty she is” and that generated a very unhealthy relationship with food and with my body. I spent years not thinking I was skinny enough and trying every single diet I would use to make sure I didn't gain even 1/2 a pound.

In my mid twenties I moved to The States. Not having my family close by gave me the freedom to eat what I wanted to eat and so my journey to gaining weight began. That journey peaked when I got pregnant, and since I was eating for two I decided to throw all my reservations away and I ate what I wanted, as much as I wanted, when I wanted. I think my daughter's middle name should be Ben & Jerry's Chunky Monkey since I had a pint of it most nights!

Needless to say, I gained a lot of weight -more than 60 lbs in my pregnancy - plus what I had gained before I was pregnant. Although everyone says you'll lose your baby weight breastfeeding, that didn't work for me. I kept it on and gained some more since nobody had ever taught me how to lose weight. I tried diet after diet and tried to exercise my way to weight loss, but I was only able to lose 10 lbs here and there and that made me really depressed! You can imagine what that made me do - yes! You are right! I just ate more!! It was a vicious circle!

I needed help! I decided to get some support and worked with several coaches that guided me to finally understand that I needed to work on more than just my diet. My issues were deeper than the food I chose to put on my plate. I have since changed my relationship with food and developed a better appreciation for my body as it is. My identity isn't just skin deep anymore, but it took a lot of courage to figure that out.

While working on my health, I discovered I had some pre-cancerous cells in my digestive system. I also suffered from SIBO (Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth.) These challenges created additional obstacles for me to overcome as I did have to learn to be more particular about the food I was eating and ways in which I chose to engage in movement and exercise. Mentally, I really struggled with the restrictions. Changing my relationship with food and my body was no longer just something I could choose to do - it was an absolute must.

Instead of letting these hardships stop me in my tracks, I chose to see them as the way forward. I decided to become an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach so I could gain the knowledge to heal myself and be able to advocate for myself as I worked through my health struggles. Additionally, choosing to become a certified health coach also allows me to pursue my passion of supporting others. I want to be able to help others find and define their best health and wellness. I am living proof that it is possible to recover a broken relationship with food, with our bodies, and to steer the path of our lifelong health journey.

Why I wanted to be a part of MBT:

MyBodyTutor knows in order to be successful in health, you need to work on your mindset, habits and overall well being in addition to food and exercise.

There isn't one diet, one set of exercises that is magical and can help everyone; we are all different. Therefore, what can help us is different as well. At MyBodyTutor we collaborate with our clients to determine what works best for YOU. It will take time, you'll face frustrations, struggles, setbacks, and I know all of this because I was there, I was you, and I know what the support of a coach can do to help you achieve your goals. One choice at a time - we'll get there together!

Weight Loss Tips That Actually Make a Difference

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