

Hi! I'm Kristen - a health and wellness coach and a librarian. As a librarian, I know facts alone won't change minds. If so, there would be no need for My Body Tutor and other health and fitness programs. I've tried a lot of them: Weight Watchers, yo-yo dieting and workout plans. I would consistently quit when things got too hard. It wasn't until I had accountability and personalized coaching that I was able to break free of bad habits and negative emotions to repair my relationship with food and exercise.

As a lifelong (recovering) perfectionist and people pleaser, who used food as a reward system, it took a lot of effort and time to change my relationship with food. Through reconnecting with my hunger cues and ditching the food shaming, I was able to understand how my emotions were tied up with food and I developed healthy coping strategies for when I was stressed, bored, and un/happy. The truth is, food is more than fuel or nutrition. It is connected to who we are, our communities, our traditions, and our families. By developing a healthy relationship with it, we then enjoy it, and our lives, more fully.

As for exercise, I focus on movement throughout my day. You might find me doing a walk and talk during coaching sessions and meetings or standing on my balance board. Being in Minnesota I love swimming in our lakes, but during the long winters you will probably find me snowshoeing and walking with my pup while bird watching.

I joined My Body Tutor as it is a company that mirrors my values and the journey I took to build a healthy relationship with food for the long haul. No quick fixes here! (I tried those!) If you haven't noticed, Adam is amazing at motivating people! Who wouldn't want to work for a company that believes in empowering folks to make changes for their health?? The best part is that these changes will be the foundation for everything else in life.

5 random facts about me:

  1. I only know two songs by heart: Happy Birthday and the Star Spangled Banner. Music just falls out of my head, but I am trying to learn the ukulele (on my 94 year-old grandmother's uke from when she was a kid).

  2. I was a kidney donor to my husband.

  3. My favorite game is Clue.

  4. I love taking my therapy dog, Jiggs, to the hospital to visit with patients and staff.

  5. One of my fav books is Brene Brown's The Gifts of Imperfection. Life changing!

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