

Ever wish you could clone yourself to be able to handle it all?

I am a former burnt-out high-achiever who used to struggle with juggling the weight of responsibilities as a father, husband, and entrepreneur. To say that “time” and I had a complicated relationship is an understatement.

A product of a rough childhood, my strategy for landing on my feet “anywhere but home” after college and a 10 year career playing football professionally was to throw everything against the wall to see what stuck. Nervous I would miss out on THE opportunity, I said yes to EVERY opportunity - hello STRESS!

“You can count on me!” was my battle cry.

“Do you approve of me?” was my compass.

“I will out work the bleep out of you” was my edge.

My workaholic tendency wore me out and despite having the LOOK of success, I didn’t have the FEEL of success.

One day after a 12-hour day, I came home to my wife and just started complaining like it was going out of style (again).

My VERY patient wife allowed me to finish, gently put both of her hands on my shoulders and said, “honey, when will you see someone about your anxiety?”

“Anxiety” I said? I don’t have anxiety. Stress? Yes, absolutely. I have to do x, y, z, 1, 2, 3 all-the-time!”

“Yes”, she said, with a deep concern in her eyes.

I had some “serious work” to do. And that is just what I did.

Through some deep reflection, education, and support, I learned how to measure success not in career milestones alone, but by measuring how well I could balance my faith, family, and fitness.

That reflection point was in 2016, and since then I have been teaching people how to integrate healthier rhythms into their lives and regain control over their health as a Holistic High-Performance Coach.

Partnering with MyBodyTutor for me was a no-brainer. The leaders of the company, Adam and Haley “get it”. They understand what’s required to create long term success in a person’s wellness FOREVER.

The systems they have put in place for MyBodyTutor’s clients are like no other program I have ever seen, and they have done this on a global scale. They have brilliantly infused a special brand of compassion, creativity, and practicality mixed with evidence-based research to help navigate a catalog of challenges that any client brings to the table.

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