
My Body Tutor changed my life. Not only did I lose ten pounds and reach my goal, I reclaimed my sense of control over the choices I was making every day, which in turn helped me become a more positive person.





Results ARE typical and to be expected with MyBodyTutor. See why at the end of this page.


If Tara can do it with MBT you can too. Yes, YOU. (No, we're not yelling. We just really believe in what we do.)

The Problem:

Not everyone who joins MBT has a lot of weight to lose. Tara wanted to lose 10 pounds but most importantly, she wanted to change her relationship with food. The way she had lost weight in the past wasn't sustainable so she was constantly yo-yoing. She had tried everything. It would "work" until it didn't. Tara wanted to feel in control around food. She felt as though she was always "willing" herself to "be good". She wanted something more natural.

The Action Plan:

One of the reasons why our clients are able to keep the weight off is because we help them change their relationship with food. We help them change the way they think and react to food. This is exactly what we did with Tara. We helped Tara develop a completely new mindset when it came to food. This way, she wasn't always struggling around food. She no longer felt out of control. She felt completely in control.

What many people don't realize is that fitness is a skill. It can be taught. Everyone thinks they know how to lose weight. "Just eat less and exercise more!" is the common nonsensical advice. The problem with that is it relies completely on willpower. You can only force yourself to "be good" for so long.

When the only thing you're changing is the food you're eating, you're not going to change for the long term.

Why it Worked (in her words):

When I was at the beach last summer I made a decision: it was time to stop wishing that I could lose ten pounds and actually do it. I was a yo-yo dieter for ten years, until I began the My Body Tutor program. After my freshman year of college, I started losing weight for the swimsuit competition in the Miss America Pageant. When I lost 15 pounds on the South Beach Diet, I thought I had found the answer.

But then I also started losing my hair, my appetite for life, and my energy. I was always hungry, and never felt satiated. I tried every diet and fad under the sun: Weight Watchers, Veganism, Vegetarianism, raw food, etc.

I was tired of wasting my mental and physical energy on dieting when all I really wanted was to live a happy and fulfilled life!

Several of my friends told me about My Body Tutor and the success they had experienced with Adam's program. I knew I needed to do it. I just had that feeling, and if you are reading this, you probably do too. I felt like I had nothing to lose and for $250 each month, I would get personal feedback on everything I ate, suggestions on how to improve my diet, strategies and encouragement daily.

My Body Tutor changed my life. Not only did I lose ten pounds and reach my goal, I reclaimed my sense of control over the choices I was making every day, which in turn helped me become a more positive person. I started dreaming and setting goals again. I became empowered. Food no longer controlled me, and I could enjoy indulgences without feeling guilty.

If you are on the fence, let me try to push you over and start a new chapter. Yes you will start to feel better immediately, but the lasting effects of this program will also transform the way you live your life. Imagine the healthy, happy YOU that you daydream about. Imagine yourself a success story on this website! Give My Body Tutor a chance, and give yourself the lasting gift of a New Beginning. You won't regret it.

Love and Success,


Results 10 pounds gone

What did you say to yourself as you were reading Tara's story?

It's fascinating when we start to notice our own behavior. Typically, we distance ourselves from that person. We find something they have that we don't. We make them into something other than an ordinary, regular person. Then, we create an excuse for why we can't achieve the same level of success.

The most important thing to realize: Whatever anyone else has done or become, you can do or become as well, with the right support, guidance and accountability.

Here's the best part: I guarantee it or your money back. I sincerely believe in what we offer that much. I know MBT will be the last program you ever do or need.

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