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Questions about the program? Book a FREE call or text us now!
It will teach you how to eat right for the rest of your life...your health is worth it.
Results ARE typical and to be expected with MyBodyTutor. See why at the end of this page.
If Kristine can do it with MBT you can too. Yes, YOU! (No, we're not yelling. We just really believe in what we do.)
I was thin most of my life. I was a skinny teenager, slim as a young adult, got back to my pre-pregnancy weight within four weeks of having each of my three children, and continued into my 40’s still able to wear junior size clothing.
In my mid-40’s, I started putting on a couple pounds a year. I wasn’t terribly concerned at first, because losing a couple pounds here or there had never been difficult for me before. Suddenly, my usual strategies weren’t working, and the numbers on the scale continued to go up. So, I tried harder.
I tried Weight Watchers. I tried Jillian Michaels. I tried BeachBody. I tried Jenny Craig. I tried the Cooking Light Diet. I tried going vegetarian. I bought diet book after diet book, exercise video after exercise video. I signed up for personal training. I saw a nutritionist. No matter what I tried, the result was the same: early success, 5-10 pounds lost, then I’d gain back the lost weight plus additional pounds.
Then in my late 40’s, I had a serious back injury and then a very minor stroke. Working out was tough, I wasn’t sleeping well, I had heartburn, I was depressed and stress eating. By age 49, I was 25 pounds heavier than I was when I turned 40, and up two dress sizes. I started feeling desperate.
Then I saw an ad for MyBodyTutor on Facebook. I looked at the website and was intrigued, but I was scared off by the price tag. But in the weeks that followed, I continued to gain weight until finally one day I admitted to myself that I was at a crisis point. It was time to get serious. I remembered MyBodyTutor and looked at the website again.
Money back guarantee? What do I have to lose? I signed up.
So, here’s the thing. MBT really isn’t a diet. Sure, it will help you lose weight, but, to me, that is not the primary goal of the program. The primary goal of the program as I see it is to teach you to listen to your body, to trust your body, to respect your body, and to give it the right amount of the right fuel for optimum performance. Ultimately, it’s to change your relationship with food and help you develop healthy habits and behaviors for life. Weight loss happens to be a wonderful side effect.
Most diet programs on the market today focus on counting: Enter all the foods you eat into an online calorie calculator and stay under THIS amount per meal or day. Enter all the exercises you do into an online calorie calculator and try to burn at least THIS amount per day or week. They might recommend that you eat more or less of certain foods, or even require that you eat ONLY certain foods (like Jenny Craig), but the focus is on how much fuel in (food eaten), how much fuel out (exercise-burned calories), and the approach is very cookie-cutter – plug in your age, height, gender, activity level, current weight, and the weight you would like to achieve, and you are given a magic number of calories (or points or whatever they want to call them) per day.
For me, it was the same routine with all these programs. In the beginning, I was gung-ho and excited to be turning a new page. I would follow the diet to a T for the first week or two. I would suffer through big salads with low-fat dressing. I would miserably chew on a plain piece of baked chicken breast or fish, wishing it was breaded or had some sauce on it. I would resentfully drink my water when everyone else at the table was drinking wine and I would feel cheated. I would measure out my breakfast cereal and milk and feel as hungry when I finished eating it as when I started, and I would white-knuckle it through until lunch. And I would lose some weight! Score!
But I was hungry all the time, and my willpower was depleted from overuse. So then, I started trying to game the system. Anyone who has failed at any one of these diets knows the routine: I’m going to skip my snack today, so I can have a glass of wine tonight. I’m only going to eat half of my dinner tonight, so I can have dessert. I’m not going to eat anything at all on Saturday before the wedding, so I can pig out on bacon wrapped shrimp and wedding cake. I walked for 60 minutes on the treadmill, so now I can eat half of this chocolate covered pretzel. Pretty soon, I’m swapping out ALL of my vegetables (who needs vegetables?) and using up all my “saved” and “earned” (exercise) calories on wine and junk food.
All this gaming led to me STILL feeling hungry all the time because I was always saving my calories for some decadent treat, and in the meantime denying my body the fuel that it needed. So, when I got to the decadent treat, what did I do? I gorged myself instead of having a sensible portion (the amount I saved my calories for), because by that time I was absolutely ravenous and completely unable to control myself.
Then I would step on the scale and my weight would still be heading in the wrong direction, so I would tell myself it’s because my metabolism is too slow, or I had too much salt and it’s just water weight. Until the next weigh in and my weight was up again. Then I would feel like a failure and quit the diet.
Anyway, so I started on MBT. I was surprised when I installed the app on my phone to see that the program did not track calories, just a description of the food and an optional photo of the meal. When I started talking to my coach, I was again surprised when I was not given a food plan to follow. She asked me just to log what I ate, how much water I drank, any exercise I did, how much I slept, and to comment on stuff I was proud of, things I was grateful for, and my to-do list for the following day. I was sort of baffled – just eat whatever I want and report it to you? Yup, that’s all.
Every night I submitted my report, and every day my coach sent me her feedback. She would suggest adding more veggies to my meals, trying smaller portions, trying to get more sleep, making sure I got enough water each day. About a week into the program, my coach encouraged me to start including a score for how full I was at the end of each meal. A week after that, she talked to me about making sure half my plate at each meal was vegetables, and to eat them first. Day after day, week after week, my coach gently sculpted my eating behavior by encouraging the things I was doing right, suggesting things I could do better, and giving great tips and advice every step of the way.
Most importantly, she acted as a therapist and a teacher. Like most people in modern times, I didn’t eat to fuel my body: I ate for pleasure. I ate for comfort. I ate to meet social expectations. I ate out of habit. I often ate when I wasn’t even hungry. I sometimes continued eating when I was so full I felt sick. My eating habits were driven almost entirely by unconscious emotional triggers and habits and with very little regard for my body’s nutritional needs.
My coach helped me to start to listen to my body. I started paying attention to how full I was at the end of a meal, and when I ended up feeling overfull, my coach encouraged me to think about why – what were the emotional triggers in play when I ate more than I needed.
I started learning to pay attention to my feelings of satiety while I was eating instead of after finishing the meal.
I started learning to feel when I had eaten enough to be satiated, and to stop eating. I started learning how the balance of protein, fat and carbs in my meals affected how long I could go before feeling hungry again, and I started learning how to build my meals correctly. I started learning what affect emotional states such as stress or depression had on my eating habits, and to come up with alternative behaviors that actually helped resolve the emotional state instead of overeating. I started learning that what I had been told my whole life about how much food I needed at each meal was not correct for me, and I learned by trial and error how much I actually needed to eat each day. I started building new eating habits that were mindful of my body’s actual nutritional needs. I started to trust myself again.
Along the way, I lost weight. I lost 30 pounds. I didn’t starve myself. I was just eating enough to satiate my hunger and no more than that. I’ve been maintaining it just by continuing to do what I’ve done.
In some ways, the program is effortless, compared to other diet programs I have tried. There is no starving, no white knuckling, no foods are off limits. In some ways, though, it was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. Learning to undo eating habits practiced over a half a century and replacing them with new habits – that is some hard work. I was very skeptical and resistant in the beginning, but my coach gently wore me down. I could not have done this without my coach and MyBodyTutor guiding and supporting me day in and day out.
My progress was marked by periods of losing a few pounds followed by periods of no movement on the scale. There were moments of frustration and there were setbacks along the way. But my coach was there every day, rooting for me, cheering my successes and sustaining me through the rough times, keeping me focused always on the end goal – a healthier me. It truly made all the difference.
I am 30 pounds lighter, two dress sizes down, and visibly more fit. But really, the lower number on my scale tells only a small part of the story of my transformation. Yes, I lost 30 pounds, and yes, I look better in a bathing suit now. More importantly, I feel healthy and fit and happy. At the gym where I work out, I have had three different strangers come up to me to tell me how great I look and to ask how I lost the weight. I sleep better at night. I no longer suffer from heartburn. I have more energy. I look and feel ten years younger. I feel like I am feeding my body the right stuff, for the first time in my life. I feel confident making choices about food. It’s not an exaggeration to say that this program changed my life.
Why should you try this program? Because it works. Because it will teach you how to eat right for the rest of your life and you won’t gain the weight back. Because your health is worth it.
What did you say to yourself as you were reading Kristine's story?
It's fascinating when we start to notice our own behavior. Typically, we distance ourselves from that person.
We find something they have that we don't. We make them into something other than an ordinary, regular person. Then, we create an excuse for why we can't achieve the same level of success.
The most important thing to realize: Whatever anyone else has done or become, you can do or become as well, with the right support, guidance and accountability.
Here's the best part: I guarantee it or your money back. I sincerely believe in what we offer that much. I know MBT will be the last program you ever do or need.
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Currently, I am at the same weight I was in high school, and, most importantly, I believe I can maintain this lifestyle.
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