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Questions about the program? Book a FREE call or text us now!
Fast forward 9 months and I'm 62 pounds lighter. Blood work results are awesome, my confidence is through the roof, I look good and I feel freaking fantastic!! I sleep better, my mood is better, I haven't taken a nap in ages – I get so much done on the weekends now it's crazy.
Results ARE typical and to be expected with MyBodyTutor. See why at the end of this page.
I can't believe this day has come. Just 9 months ago I was crying at my desk wondering how I was going to make the changes I needed to make to improve my health/life, and more importantly - my lab numbers.
I've been on the heavier side all my life but 20+ years ago my weight started creeping higher and higher. Over the years, I've had mild success with Jenny Craig, South Beach and Weight Watchers but once I lost the weight, I was like "OK, I'm skinny now, I can eat whatever I want" and of course it all (plus more) came back on.
Part of our health plan at work involves blood work twice a year and you have to meet certain ranges to get a discount on the portion you pay. A few numbers were okay but most weren't. Over the last few years, they were getting worse. In early June 2017, they were bad.
I was literally in tears at my desk wondering how I was going to fix this. There was no solution I was interested in trying – I didn't want to count stupid points, I didn't want to never eat bread or pasta again, and the biggest of all was what was I going to drink? Junk food/cakes/cookies were never my thing, but I did like to imbibe – not to the point of alcoholism, it was just a part of my life.
I was scrolling through Facebook one day and I saw an ad for My Body Tutor. I was intrigued by the support and accountability, and emailed asking if they really thought they could help someone in so deep as me.
Adam replied right away and even guaranteed it. Deep breath, deep sigh..."Okay here we go again, let's give it a whirl." I took a 'before' picture but never uploaded it because I thought "been there done that".
Well, after setting up a time to speak, I got the call from my tutor – she was very straight forward. I don't know how, but it actually got easier to be consistent. I was stubborn about exercise in the beginning and I'm still no exercise nut but I really and truly do feel so much better when I move. I'm a dog mom and I always made sure they got exercise and play but never focused on it for me. Now I make that time and it's so worth it.
I love, love, love the accountability of MBT. Feedback and encouragement was critically important and when I went off track it was always " ate X, let's get back to it and move on" and it was that easy! I'd learn something and move on.
And, I don't know how she does it, but my tutor was NEVER EVER judgemental about what I did. That is HUGE! Without that it would've been "Well...this day is shot" which turns into "this week is shot" which turns into "maybe next month". I would take a picture of something I was eating and co-workers would say "Are you really going to tell her you ate that?" Yup. Honesty is key no matter what. It's amazing.
Fast forward 9 months and I'm 62 pounds lighter. Blood work results are awesome, my confidence is through the roof, I look good and I feel freaking fantastic!! I sleep better, my mood is better, I haven't taken a nap in ages – I get so much done on the weekends now it's crazy. My self confidence and self image have improved tremendously.
I even went on a mini vacation by myself. I mean like involving air travel and a passport vacation, not just a two hour drive away/overnight vacation. I am SO proud of that! That alone has opened up a whole new world for me.
This never would have happened without MyBodyTutor. Not only is this about smaller clothing sizes, it's about living life. Living, not just existing like I was before. Doing things you never thought you could, achieving new personal bests, and looking for the next thing to try or do. Still not going to jump out of an airplane!
I will always be so grateful to my wonderful tutor, Adam for making his dream of MyBodyTutor a reality, the inspiring emails and learning powerful psychology along the way. The way I think about food/exercise is completely different now. I have learned so much, which is why this is so sustainable! So from the bottom of my heart - thank you so so much!! MBT is truly life changing.
P.S. I wanted to add that I'm 54 and finally discovered that I don't have to dose myself with cheesesteaks and alcohol to deal with an unhappy relationship and the loneliness and boredom that comes after a divorce or separation. Food and alcohol replace a lot of bad feelings and as you know and taught me - it's never about the food or alcohol. I think there's a lot of people out there like me (single, no kids) that message might reach. Maybe/maybe not. Just saying - Life is not over just because you've reached a certain age and you think "Well, this is it forever" It doesn't have to be!
What did you say to yourself as you were reading Kim's story?
It’s fascinating when we start to notice our own behavior. Typically, we distance ourselves from that person. We find something they have that we don’t. We make them into something other than an ordinary, regular person. Then, we create an excuse for why we can’t achieve the same level of success.
The most important thing to realize: Whatever anyone else has done or become, you can do or become as well, with the right support, guidance and accountability.
Here’s the best part: I guarantee it or your money back. I sincerely believe in what we offer that much. I know MBT will be the last program you ever do or need.
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