Why losing weight is like Groundhog day

Happy Groundhog Day!

Which reminds me...

Did you ever see the movie Groundhog Day with Bill Murray? In it, he wakes up every morning only to re-live the same day over and over again.

For so many people this time of year is like "Groundhog Day" for weight loss. How so? It's around this time of year we're working off that same weight we tried to lose in 2014. 2011...


[Almost as frustrating as throwing the ball instead of running it if you're a Seahawks fan! Speaking of the Super Bowl, I'm glad so many of you enjoyed my email yesterday. If you're not getting my emails please add adam@mybodytutor.com to your safe sender list, address book or if you use Gmail - drag this email into your 'primary' tab. I work hard on my emails and I don't want you to miss any.]

As I said in the beginning of this year, I refuse to let 2015 be another year that just comes and goes for you without anything changing. Your health and fitness is too important.

Every January people promises themselves "this year" is going to be different. "New year. New me!"

[For some people, they wake up and promise themselves every day is going to be different. That they're going to "be good". Yet, they find themselves not following through on their intentions day after day.]

So, the first thing they do is join a gym. Countless people join and they become overbearingly crowded for the month of January. "I gotta exercise more!" people think.

What many of these people don't know is that 70-80% of weight loss comes from diet. It's about what, why and how we eat.

This is why you see people working out in the gym month after month - even with a personal trainer but don't look any different. It's what you do BETWEEN gym sessions that really matters. That's where the results come from.

Some people choose to ignore this. Some people believe exercise is the key to weight loss. (This is why we've been able to help so many people lose weight without exercising at all.)

Some people do understand that diet is critically important.

So what do they do?

They go on what I call a 'food' diet.


They promise themselves that for x amount of days and/or until they reach a certain weight they'll only eat certain foods. How do they do this? Entirely on willpower.

They grind it out daily and will themselves into eating healthfully until they just can't stick with it anymore. Eventually, they revert back to their old way of eating.

In other words, the only thing they changed was the food they were eating. If the only thing you're changing is the food you eat, you're not going to be able to keep the weight off you lose...

You're going to wind up gaining it all back (if not more) and making yet another resolution to lose weight.


Jeopardy Question: Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

What is Insanity? Ding. Ding. Ding.


People know (at least subconsciously) that their resolutions won't stick but rather than learning how to change their relationship and mindset and the way they think and react to food, they make resolutions every year.

Every year they start some other "food diet" instead of learning fundamental behaviors, principles and frameworks that will allow them to lose weight and keep it off for good.

If you know someone like this - or if this sounds familiar - aren't you tired of being like Bill Murray in Groundhog day?

The only way to change our results is to change our approach. But in order to do that we need to be aware of what we're doing. Subconsciously and consciously.

The first step is awareness. The second step is accepting that you might be like Bill Murray in your approach, and that you're ready to try something different.

Sadly, many people can't get the first two steps down. [Read: Is your ego getting in the way? It's a post I wrote 5+ years ago now.]

In the next few weeks, I plan to share some powerful tactics and strategies so you can change your approach.


P.S. Have you read my post on why sticking to a diet is so hard yet? If not, you can read it by clicking here.

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