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Questions about the program? Book a FREE call or text us now!
Without fail, whenever I meet someone and tell them what I do, the conversation turns to all of the diets they've done in the past, including the one they're currently on.
We all know people like this...
One month they're eating ONLY xyz. "Nope, I can't eat any of that. It's not a part of my plan!"
The next month, they're only eating what they were just avoiding the month before. The next month, they're only eating grapefruits.
"This is working so well! I lost 2 pounds in the first two days! Can you believe this?!?!"
The next month, "The best part about this is that I can eat as much fat as I want AND lose weight?!" as they're chomping down on a triple bacon cheeseburger.
The next month, "Ya know, I've decided I'm going to become a vegetarian. I'm never going to eat meat again!"
The next month...
I can keep going if you'd like?
We all know these people...
...they go from one shiny new fad diet to the next without ever sticking with ANYTHING. Unfortunately, weight loss doesn't come from "trying" things. It comes from sticking with it. That's the hard part.
Few reasons:
1. Consistency isn't sexy, but it's ridiculously effective. And because it's not "sexy" or the "it" diet of the moment, people might feel bored or even left out while some of their friends are following some crazy diet. Because of this, they're always in search of the newest fad diet, instead of focusing on what actually works.
We all know deep down, the secret to success is -----> doing the right things over and over and over and over again. And doing the right things over and over and over and over again.
No matter what diet we follow, or what 'magic pill' we take (they don't exist!), if we want to be successful, eventually, we're going to have to do the actual work.
And the actual work means eating well, eating less, and moving more...consistently. (Easier said than done, of course!)
There is no escaping this.
We can't escape the work if we want results. While the majority of people are searching for the "latest and greatest fad diet" our clients are doing the right things day in and day out. While the majority of people are searching for the "new and shiny diet" our clients are staying consistent week after week with a healthy and practical diet - because they have the support and accountability in place to ensure they stick with it. While the majority of people are trying to avoid cravings, we're figuring out why our clients are getting them in the first place.
2. The temptation to quit is greatest right before the results happen.
Why? Because right before we see results, we have to push through some discomfort. And our natural tendency is to remove that discomfort. How? We quit the diet! "Eh, this isn't working" two weeks into a program we rationalize. "I'm too busy!" we rationalize. But then we're right back to square one, of course.
3. Change by nature is uncomfortable.
If we're doing what we always do like give into those cookies (that aren't even that good!), we won't feel any different. But, if we don't give into those cookies, we'll feel discomfort...until it becomes comfortable. (And this isn't about never indulging. That's not sustainable!) Discomfort means we're doing things differently. It means we're changing, and therefore getting closer to where we want to be.
Hence, discomfort is our compass.
We can't escape the discomfort. Change by nature is uncomfortable. Nor can we escape the day to day consistency, which isn't sexy whatsoever - even though, it's ridiculously effective.
It's so easy to avoid the inevitable: being consistent and sticking with a sensible eating and exercise plan. I know (in fact, I'm 100% convinced, though I'm admittedly biased) daily and personal accountability and support is what makes all of the difference. It makes the discomfort way more tolerable and dare I say - enjoyable. It makes the consistency very doable, and it's why we get the results we do.
"There are two mistakes one can make along the road to truth. Not going all the way, and not starting." - Siddartha Guatama
Next time we're tempted to jump on the "it" diet of the moment, let's remember nothing beats the tried and true. We all know this, but our short term / irrational mind will always try to trick us into taking the path of least resistance.
However, taking the path of least resistance now when it comes to our health and fitness always leads to way more resistance later on.
P.S. If you need help "going all the way" and sticking with it, consider joining our proven program. I offer a 100% guarantee because I know it works. You have nothing to lose. Join the countless people like you who were finally able to stick to something and get amazing results because of it.
P.P.S. Want more reasons why consistency is so hard? Read this powerful post.
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