
The Perfect Semaglutide Diet Plan: Exactly What To Eat (7-Day Template)

Alright, so you're on semaglutide and looking to kick things off with a new diet plan.

And right now, you're probably wondering where to start and how to make the most of your diet to help with weight loss.

Well, don't stress; we’ve got your back.

Whether you’re a complete newbie to diet plans or the world's pickiest eater, by the end of this, you’ll have a plan that you know you can follow (and that you actually want to follow).

Let's get to it:

What to Know Before You Start

1. Not All Diet Plans Are Created Equal

If the thought of forcing yourself to choke down broccoli, eggs, yogurt, or any other so-called "healthy" foods makes you cringe, then traditional diet plans probably aren't your thing. And hey, that's not your fault—it's the plan's fault.

You see, most plans stick to the cookie cutter "eat this, not that" approach, but if you don't like what's on the menu, chances are you won't enjoy it and won't stick with it. My advice? Steer clear of that road.

After all, the ultimate goal here is to be fit and happy, not fit and miserable, right?

Talking about misery, ever wonder how to guarantee a terrible dieting experience?

It’s dragging yourself to the grocery store and spending a fortune on foods that make you want to gag—all because some diet guru says they're "good for you." No thanks; I'll pass, and you should too!

Look, you could find a diet plan that's laid out so well and so perfect that even the experts at the FDA would nod in approval.

But would it work? Maybe. If someone could stick with it long enough to see results, sure.

And that's the problem!

The real question isn't, "Will it work?" The only question that truly matters is, "Can I actually stick to it?"

No matter how amazing a plan seems, and no matter how many influencers are talking about it, if your plan isn't something you enjoy and look forward to, you simply won’t stick to it.

And let’s be honest—if you don’t follow it, it's not worth the paper it's printed on.

So, what’s the best diet to follow on weight loss meds?

It certainly isn't the one-size-fits-all, I-found-this-in-a-book plan. The best diet is the one that's customized to your likes and your life. It's the one that makes you think, "Okay! Yeah, I can do that."

How do you get a plan that you're excited to follow? Well, stick with me because we're going to walk through a 3-step system to build a plan that's designed specifically for you.

2. Getting the Green Light on Your Diet

By the time we wrap this up, you’ll have a solid foundation for a diet plan that you'll feel confident in and that will complement your semaglutide treatments.

But let’s keep it straight—we’re not wearing white coats over here, and we’re guessing you aren’t either.

So before you jump into any new eating strategy, do the smart thing: get a thumbs-up from your doctor. And this isn’t just crossing t’s and dotting i’s; it’s making sure your plan is safe and sound while you're on weight loss meds. Your doc will give you the green light if everything checks out.

The 3 Rules Your Diet Plan MUST Follow

We're usually not fans of laying down strict rules for diets, but there are three non-negotiables that your plan absolutely must follow. Whether it's Mediterranean, Keto, intermittent fasting, you name it—if it doesn't hit these three key criteria, forget about it and move on.

Alright, let’s break down these rules:

Rule #1: The plan has to match the realities of your life.

If you're always on the road, despise cooking, or can barely tell a whisk from a spatula—listen up. A diet plan that expects you to slave over a hot stove for two hours just isn’t going to cut it, no matter how many recipes they give you. Bottom line: The plan has to match the realities of your life.

Rule #2: The diet absolutely must respect your deal-breakers.

And we all have deal-breakers. Me? I’m not living in a world where I have to say no to pizza—that’s my non-negotiable. So if your plan is all about banning diet soda, cookies, bread, or any other food you actually like, guess what? You’re going to be spending all your time looking for reasons to quit.

Rule #3. The plan must be based on your likes.

If you hate asparagus, yogurt, eggs, chicken, or any other so-called "healthy" foods, then I don't have to tell you that most diet plans aren’t for you. So be sure the plan starts with the foods and meals you actually enjoy.


If you stick to these three golden rules, you’ll have a plan that's truly tailor-made for you, putting you leagues ahead of 99% of everyone else.

But that’s just the start.

Like anything worth doing in life, you'll need to fine-tune your plan as you go. You'll need to swap out some foods, adjust the portions, and tweak things as you go. Just keep at it until everything falls into place and feels just right.

And if you find yourself needing some help with all the tweaking and tuning, our expert weight-loss coaches are right here, ready to lend a hand. We're in the trenches every day, helping folks like you craft and refine their plans. We'll help you dial everything in until you hit that sweet spot.

Okay, now that we’ve laid down the rules and covered exactly what to look for in a diet plan, let’s dive into the 3-step approach.

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Building a Semaglutide Diet Plan: A Simple 3-Step Guide To Success

Here’s the no-nonsense, three-step method to hammer out a diet plan you can follow while you're on weight loss meds.

  • STEP 1: Start by listing what you actually enjoy eating and identifying your deal-breakers.

  • STEP 2: Fine-tune your meals, tweaking them bit by bit.

  • STEP 3: Introduce new foods to keep your plan fresh and exciting.

We’ll tackle each step one by one, starting from the top.

So, what are your favorite meals?

Grab a piece of paper or open a new note on your phone and jot down your favorite healthy meals—for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and even snacks.

To help get you started, here’s a peek at what an actual client in our weight loss coaching program wrote down for each of these categories.

And if you’re looking for a FREE handy worksheet, here’s a PDF titled "The Perfect Semaglutide Diet Plan: Exactly What To Eat (7-Day Template)" Feel free to print it out and use it as your go-to reference.

What Do You Enjoy Eating on Most Days?

Breakfast: I love any kind of egg—scrambled eggs, omelets, you name it. I also like oatmeal with a bit of brown sugar, some bacon, and toast.

Lunch: Since I’m usually at work, I grab something from the cafeteria. Most days, it's a salad with ranch dressing, some grilled chicken, and maybe a baked potato topped with butter.

Dinner: I’m the chef at home, so I often cook up pork loin or chicken, and sometimes I'll throw a steak into the mix.

Snacks: I don’t snack too often, but when I do, it’s usually at work. I'll have a bagel or a protein bar that I bring from home.

Alright, as you can see, that's not a bad start. In fact, this client can 100% lose weight without any major changes at all.

What do you think?

Next, we're going to do the same for fast food and restaurant favorites. Why? Because life happens. We’re not always eating at home—we're going to games, school, practices, and work. And let’s face it, schedules are unpredictable and sometimes we'll need to go through the drive-thru.

What Do You Enjoy at Restaurants?

Restaurants and Fast Food: When we go out to eat as a family, I stick to my usual dinner routine—maybe a steak, salad, and a baked potato. Every now and then, I’ll swing by a drive-thru for some chicken nuggets and fries.

Next, it's time to identify your deal-breakers.

What Are Your Diet Deal-Breakers?

Remember, deal-breakers are the foods or drinks you enjoy that you absolutely do NOT want to give up.

And it's okay that you have them, we all do. As I mentioned, my perfect meal plan includes pizza. Now, that doesn't mean I'm going to have pizza every day of the week, but I will enjoy a slice when it's memorable.

So, what are your deal-breakers?

The things that I'm not willing to compromise on (at least for now)—my morning coffee and enjoying a glass of wine a couple of nights each week. Plus, I want to keep up the tradition of grabbing ice cream with my family on Sundays.

Now, let's pause for a second…

Did you list any non-negotiables?

If your list is empty, go back and add at least three.

Remember, the best diet isn’t about stripping away everything you love until you’re counting the days until it’s over. Trust me, the sooner you acknowledge what you're not willing to budge on, the quicker you can get to the point where you have a plan you actually look forward to.

Okay, it's time for a quick recap:

You've listed your favorite foods and meals, and you've identified your deal-breakers. From here, it's pretty easy to build a starter plan.

Ready to see what a sample diet plan might look like for someone on semaglutide?

To paint a picture of what a plan could look like, we’ll use the responses from above from an actual client in our weight loss coaching program. This will help you understand how it all comes together.

Example: 1-Day Semaglutide Meal Plan for Weight Loss


  • Omelet: Made with two eggs, spinach, mushrooms, and a sprinkle of low-fat cheese.

  • Oatmeal: Half a cup of oatmeal with a teaspoon of brown sugar and a dash of cinnamon for extra flavor.

  • Beverage: Your usual morning coffee, exactly how you like it.


  • Salad: Mixed greens with grilled chicken breast, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, and a tablespoon of light ranch dressing.

  • Side: Half a baked potato topped with a dollop of Greek yogurt instead of butter.


  • Main: Grilled pork loin or chicken breast seasoned with herbs.

  • Sides: A small serving of brown rice and steamed vegetables like broccoli or green beans.

  • Beverage: A glass of wine (as part of your couple of nights a week).


  • Morning or Afternoon: A protein bar or Greek yogurt to keep you energized.

Remember, this is just an example plan using the answers provided by a client.

Will this exact plan work for you? Maybe, maybe not.

If not, chances are it's breaking one of the 3 rules your diet plan must follow. And if that's the case, here's a question for you to consider:

"Which of the three diet rules is it breaking for you?"

Now, for the client I mentioned, they love eggs in the morning and they grab lunch from the salad bar at work, so this plan makes it easy for them. And, more importantly, this plan respects their deal-breaker—a glass of wine a few nights a week.

The point to make here is this: You need a plan to follow that you're 100% confident you can follow. When you have a blueprint and a structure that you can stick to, amazing things happen.

And while this plan might not be a slam dunk for you, this client was over the moon because it meshed with their likes and their life. Plus, they dodged all those “healthy foods” they were worried they'd have to eat to lose weight.

Will this plan be the be-all and end-all? Of course not; it'll need some tweaks and adjustments along the way, but I’d call it a rock-solid start.

What we learned after a few days of coaching and daily feedback, is that the client wanted to make several adjustments to make it more enjoyable for them.

For starters, they found that Greek yogurt on a baked potato just wasn’t their style—they preferred it plain. Plus, being on semaglutide meant they didn't want wine as much as before, and they felt they could stretch out the time between glasses. Hey, chalk that up as a win too, right?

Point being: STEP 1 lays down a solid foundation with the foods you genuinely like and eat. The real magic, however, happens in STEP 2, where we fine-tune and dial everything in.

My advice for now? Roll with the initial plan for a few days, maybe a week, and test the waters. Sometimes you can get the plan right off the bat. But more often than not, you’ll find a few spots to tweak and adjust. That's why “STEP 2. Fine-tune your meals, tweaking them bit by bit” is so crucial.

Now, you can adjust the plan on your own. But if you want to get on the fast track to a realistic and doable plan, work with an expert weight-loss coach. Not only will they give you feedback on what you're eating, but they'll also provide the daily accountability that keeps you on track and sticking to it.


We won't cover the next step in too much depth, but let's briefly talk about why "STEP 3. Introduce new foods to keep your plan fresh and exciting" is so important.

When you're following a plan, it's easy to fall into a rut by eating the same things over and over, isn't it?

And while consistency is key to progress, let's be honest—monotony can be a motivation killer. That's not true for everyone, but for most of us, it definitely is.

So STEP 3 is all about shaking things up. It’s about throwing some new flavors into the mix and adding new foods. The goal here is to prevent boredom with your meals, which makes sticking to your plan more doable and fun.

Bonus: FREE 7-Day Semaglutide Diet Plan Template

Interested in kicking off your semaglutide diet with a solid plan? How about a free 7-day starter template to get you rolling? Download "The Perfect Semaglutide Diet Plan: Exactly What To Eat (7-Day Template)" right now.

Not only will you get a great starting point, but you'll also receive worksheets for all the key questions you need to design a diet plan that’s completely customized for you.

Frequently Asked Questions About Semaglutide Diet Plans

1. Should I count calories while on semaglutide?

Counting calories while on semaglutide can be a sensible step; however, the focus should really be on the quality of your diet rather than just the calorie count. Semaglutide tends to dial down your hunger, which naturally decreases your calorie intake without the need for strict counting.

That said, calorie counting is a helpful tool for some, while others find that just listening to their body’s hunger cues is enough.

At MyBodyTutor, we know that the ultimate goal is to enjoy freedom from food, not to become obsessed with it. So, if you find yourself getting too wrapped up in the numbers and stressed about hitting your targets, it might be time to switch gears. Try tuning into your body’s natural signals instead.

2. How many calories a day should I eat on semaglutide?

Studies suggest that men looking to lose weight should shoot for about 1,500 to 1,800 calories a day. For women, the data shows the caloric intake for weight loss ranges from 1,200 to 1,500 calories per day.

With that in mind, there's no magic number for daily calories on semaglutide—it isn't a one-size-fits-all figure. Your caloric intake will depend on factors like your age, activity level, and weight goals.

But as always, align your calories with professional medical advice and how your body is reacting. And remember, this isn't about following a rigid formula—it's about creating a plan that feels right for you.

3. How do I maximize weight loss on semaglutide?

To really leverage the power of semaglutide and maximize weight loss, think of it as a catalyst rather than a cure-all. This is a prime opportunity to build sustainable healthy habits, like eating a well-rounded diet and starting a regular workout routine. Increase your daily activity subtly; it’s the little things like opting for stairs over elevators and integrating resistance training that amp up your metabolism and overall energy levels in a big way.

Also, learn to tune into your eating habits: Why are you reaching for that snack? Is it hunger, boredom, or stress? Recognizing these triggers can help you curb unnecessary eating. And for a truly tailored approach, partner with a weight-loss coach. They can offer you the kind of personalized advice and accountability that turn good intentions into lasting changes.

4. Are there any foods I should avoid when on semaglutide?

While using semaglutide, there aren’t specific foods you must universally avoid, but it's smart to limit high-fat and sugary items. Avoiding these can help prevent some of the unpleasant and definitely unwanted side effects, like nausea, that are common with this medication. Plus, minimizing sugar can also help maximize the drug’s benefits for weight loss and blood sugar control.

5. How much water should I drink with semaglutide?

The Institute of Medicine recommends that men aged 19 and older should aim to drink about 131 ounces of water a day, while women should drink around 95 ounces. To put that into perspective—for men, that's about eight 16-ounce bottles of water, and for women, that's about six of those bottles each day.

Drinking enough water helps keep your appetite under control and your digestion running smoothly. More importantly, drinking enough water can help ease some of those annoying side effects like nausea and upset stomach that tend to be associated with semaglutide. Most of us could benefit from drinking more water than we currently do—just be careful not to overdo it.

Wrapping It Up

Alright, let's tie this up.

You've got the framework for setting up a diet plan that’s primed to work with your weight loss meds. And we've laid out the essentials—what to eat and how to make it all stick.

But remember, this isn’t about just slapping together a meal plan that sounds good on paper. It’s about building a diet you can live with, one that you can stick to long-term.

And those rules we talked about? They’re non-negotiable for a reason. If your diet plan doesn’t match your real life, if it doesn't respect your deal-breakers, and if it doesn't start with your actual likes, then it’s no plan at all.

We're aiming for a diet that doesn’t feel like a diet. Because the ultimate goal is to be fit and happy, not fit and miserable.

And if you need help building a plan based on the realities of your life and tweaking and adjusting it as you go along, reach out. This is what we do day-in and day-out, and we have thousands of success stories to show for it. So, let's talk and see how we can help you lose weight on your terms.


Don't forget to grab your free 7-day starter template to get you rolling. Not only will you get a great starting point, but you'll also receive worksheets for all the key questions you need to design a diet plan that’s completely customized for you.

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