
How to get over YOLO thinking when it comes to your diet

Once in a while when I talk with someone who doesn't appear to be healthy and fit, they'll say something like: "You know, I only live once. We're all going to die anyway so what's the point of my weight loss efforts? Why not enjoy now?!"

There is a reason they are saying this, and it's not as obvious as you might think. I'll go into that next week.

Instead, let's tackle head on the point of us only living once so what's the point of our weight loss efforts...


I talk and write a lot about our short term/irrational mind versus our long term/rational mind. Our long term/rational mind is where our dreams and desires are. Our short term/irrational mind doesn't care about the future. It wants pleasure...and it wants it NOW!

Our short term mind is constantly sabotaging us in the form of thoughts like, "You deserve this cookie, go for it. You only live once! (YOLO)" "Why bother exercising?" "Don't you want to be happy now?" "You work so hard!"

Here's the challenge we all wrestle with: Balancing living for tomorrow with living for today.


The reason why I've been able to stick with MBT since February of 2007 is because I truly believe in what we're doing, and I know what we offer works better than anything else out there. My belief only grows stronger each and every day because of the results we get for our clients.

Persistence isn't about doing the same things over and over. It's about wanting the same thing over and over.

(I believe our short term/irrational mind is constantly trying to chip away at what we really want because it's easier to maintain the status quo. In other words: We either go after what we want or we try to convince ourselves that we don't really want it.)

And something I've wanted for as long as I can remember - and something I'll always want - is to live the happiest life I can, and to help others do the same.

One fact remains constant and it's what drives me:  When I eat healthfully and exercise, I feel better. In other words, happier, than when I don't.

Don't get me wrong. I enjoy cookies. I enjoy ice cream. I enjoy all sorts of indulgent food. And I indulge. (Never indulging isn't the goal, nor is it sustainable. We teach our clients how to be fit and happy, not fit and miserable.)

But, I try to only indulge for the right reasons.

Which brings me to the question we (our short term / irrational mind) often ask ourselves, "Why am I not enjoying now?" in the face of temptation or any discomfort.

"YOLO!" (You Only Live Once!) "You work so hard!" "You deserve this!" "Just this one time!" These are types of things our short term / irrational mind loves to say.

Which circles us back to the...

Now versus later debate.

"Screw my Body Tutor, screw MBT, screw the Daily Feedback! I want to enjoy life now!"

That's the devil on our shoulder talking to the Body Tutor. That's our irrational, short term mind yelling at our rational, long term mind.

So try this thought on for size:

Why not enjoy life now, even if it means more health problems later?


Go for that cookie! Go for that ice cream! Go for the pizza! Whatever and whenever you want.

BUT! It seems to me, unless you are already doing heroin then you aren't being true to your own philosophy. Why not enjoy a good high now? Who cares what happens later!?

Interestingly, all of us have always thought about later on, and not now.

Think about the first 20 or so years of our life. Everything we did in school was to set ourselves up for a better future.

The one downside of planning ahead is that we may enjoy today a tad less. (Wait...there's always a twist!)

The upside is that our future might be a bit better! Maybe, A LOT better!

I'm not saying my thinking here is the best, but I think you get my point.

I don't think it's fair to call the "you only live once aka YOLO" approach any kind of philosophy unless you're also quitting your job, doing heroin, living at your favorite restaurant, and only doing what feels the best every minute of your life.

Junkies have a philosophy. We have rationalizations.

Now there's always a twist:

1. It turns out, we actually enjoy today more when we eat and exercise for the future. We've all had days when we do nothing but eat and watch TV - at least I have. I always feel better when I'm eating well and exercising. Always! I know you do too.

2. I've never done drugs. Had/have no desire. I'm not saying you should. It was just to make a point. Actually, as a public service announcement I'll write it: don't do drugs!

3. It turns out that when we live and plan for the future it'll also make us happier today. Knowing we're doing good for our future selves makes our current selves happier.



P.S. It's amazing how powerful reframing something is. I see YOLO (You Only Live Once) as you You Oughta Look Out because you only live once!

P.P.S. I've thought and written a lot about the subject of happiness because I think that's our end goal. You can read all of my posts on happiness on my other blog here.

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