
How America was able to find Bin Laden and what it has to do with weight loss

Forget whether you think it's right or wrong for the Navy SEAL who shot Bin Laden to identify himself for a second. I think how we found Bin Laden is worth revisiting...

All politics aside, America was able to finally find Bin Laden after 10 years because of one word:


What is persistence anyway?

Persistence is having the same goal over and over and over and over.

The challenge with weight loss is that it's never about a hammer hitting glass.

It's always about the accrued power of thousands of meals. Meals that accrue, morsel by morsel until our body is ready to change, starting a downward trend.

The first few pounds are very exciting. Everyone lines up to cheer. (Our friends, loved ones, coworkers, etc.)

The pounds after that, though, are often lonely. (This is why everyone is great at STARTING diets...it's the keeping on going. That's the hard part!)

(This is why the MBT Program gets such amazing results. We help you start AND stick with it in a sustainable way.)

Everyone has long left the building or the cheering section and moved on to celebrate some other first few pounds.

And so the pounds after the first few pounds oftentimes get questioned by ourselves the most.

"Am I still working on this?" "Do I really want to lose the weight?" "Is this that important to me?" "Is this really worth it?"

These thoughts are coming straight from our short term, irrational mind.

Remember: in the battle between our short term, irrational mind vs. our long term, rational mind, the job of the irrational mind is to reduce the amount of discomfort we face as much as possible. Why? Our short term/irrational mind cares about one thing and one thing only: NOW. And this is the battle we all face: Balancing living for today versus living for tomorrow.

Let's talk about 3 ways to get what we want out of life.

There's 3 ways to get what we want in life:

1. Actually, get what we want! ("Wow, that was so insightful Adam!")

2. Or, and this is what most people do, change what they want.

They change what they want because they realize that getting what they want isn't so easy. They realize it takes a lot of consistency as well as going through some discomfort and compromise.

So they rationalize...

"Eh, I don't care about my body. He/she should love me for who I am!"

"Screw it, I rather enjoy my life now and eat whatever I want than be a miserable fit person!" (AKA YOLO!)

"I'll worry about my health and fitness later. I'm too busy with work!"

I can go on and on. But we all do this.

Remember: Obstacles and challenges are those annoying things that appear when we lose sight of our goals.

3. It turns out, the most effective way to get what we want  is to keep having the same goal over and over and over.

So, let's not let our irrational mind try to convince us otherwise. We all know what we truly want.


P.S. Do you try to convince yourself that you don't really want to be healthier and more fit? This is what we human animals do. We try to rationalize away anything that might make us feel uncomfortable. We try to avoid discomfort.

This is where the power of MBT comes into play. Why not try a proven program and system - that will help the inevitable discomfort any change brings - feel a lot more comfortable and doable? My program is 100% guaranteed to work or your money back. Learn more by clicking here.

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