
I'm so much quicker and can jump higher on the tennis court. I've had to give away all my old clothes and buy new ones.





Results ARE typical and to be expected with MyBodyTutor. See why at the end of this page.

I've tried running, biking, weight lifting, Weight Watchers, Body for Life, counting calories, low-carb diets, Crossfit, and reducing eating out. Exercise without modifying what I ate didn't work well. I was concerned that I would keep gaining weight and become diabetic. I didn't know if I could lose weight without feeling hungry all the time. Plus, only changing what I ate was missing the focus on mindset and accountability.

Then, I heard Adam do a podcast with Brandon Turner from Bigger Pockets. I wanted to lose weight and improve the health of my joints. My goal weight was 155 pounds, but I really wanted to see what I needed to do to just start losing weight. But, of course, I had my doubts. I was concerned about the financial commitment and wondered if it would really work after having tried so many things that didn't.

I lost 42 pounds and reached my goal weight of 155 pounds. It took awhile, but there was steady progress toward it. I've also put on muscle in the process. I'm so much quicker and can jump higher on the tennis court. I've had to give away all my old clothes and buy new ones. I feel so much healthier, know what it takes for me to lose weight, am in control of my eating, and am empowered to maintain a healthy weight. One of the best things for me is that I really do feel that I'll never need another diet program.

What sets MyBodyTutor apart is their focus on why we are overeating, how to address the root cause of that, and how to use strategies other than food to deal with stress, boredom, needing to relax, etc. Also, learning to tolerate discomfort with changing eating habits resonated with me, as I could easily relate to discomfort experienced when playing sports and exercising. The biggest difference, however, was having a tutor who could cut through all the misinformation, provide guidance on what to eat, and hold me accountable.

To anyone considering joining, my advice is simple: just try. You won't regret it. It's so much of a different and effective approach than other things out there. There will be some difficulty in losing weight, but it's likely not nearly as difficult as you think, and the challenge is more about consistency.

Results 42 pounds gone

What did you say to yourself as you were reading Brad's story?

It's fascinating when we start to notice our own behavior. Typically, we distance ourselves from that person. We find something they have that we don't. We make them into something other than an ordinary, regular person. Then, we create an excuse for why we can't achieve the same level of success.

The most important thing to realize: Whatever anyone else has done or become, you can do or become as well, with the right support, guidance and accountability.

Here's the best part: I guarantee it or your money back. I sincerely believe in what we offer that much. I know MyBodyTutor will be the last program you ever do or need.

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