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You may notice we have hundreds of incredible reviews. Why is that? Because 99% of our clients absolutely love our service. And for those 1% who don’t? We offer a money back guarantee. This way, everyone leaves happy.


Janet H.

25 pounds gone

I found out about you guys in Gretchen Rubin’s book Better than Before. I’ve oscillated between 15 pounds over the last 5 years and I was looking for more consistency in my weeks and months. I was tired of the mini roller coaster caused by overindulge on weekends/holidays and wanted an approach that would settle me at my goal weight most days of the week. Before I started I had anxiety about having to report to someone and also about feeling bound to something rigid. I hoped for support and clarity and that’s exactly what I got with my tutor. She was/is my cheerleader and I know the MBT family will always have my back. She taught me that I could still have fun (and in many cases even more fun) by making really good choices and being super choosy about indulgences so I didn’t feel like a caged animal in my own life. There wasn’t a single moment of judgement or shame, it was really a lot of positivity and challenging unhealthy patterned thinking which can be self destructive. I think MBT is different than other weight loss companies because it tackles emotional eating head on. You have to go that deep scary place of insecurity, shame, boredom, entitlement to discover why/what your own personal destructive habits are. I can truthfully say that I live a much more productive life in all arenas (not just nutrition) since starting MBT. Working with MBT allowed me to make MAJOR positive changes in my work/social/spiritual life and that promotes healthy eating habits. 90 percent of the time I eat very healthy and the other 10 percent has become a matter of choice and I’ve learned to exercise more control and strategy so it doesn’t get away from me. Since starting MBT I exercise daily unless I’m under the weather. I couldn’t be more thrilled with MBT. As a physician, I’ve recommended this program to patients in hopes they will have as much success. If you’re serious about losing weight or making lasting, positive lifestyle changes I strongly recommend MBT. The accountability, coaching, and support was phenomenal.

Maureen B.

40 pounds gone

This was a letter one of our clients wrote to a journalist: Dear Ms. Eisenberg, Though he’s not a “novelty”, or a product, thought I should at least let you know about, a human coaching service that helped me get below 200 pounds for the first time in 19 years. It is run by a man named Adam Gilbert, who has never been fat, but who somehow knows how to help people who are. I was surprised that he was able to get through to me, as I am more than twice his age, have been fighting weight problems since the age of 7, and know everything there is to know about dieting. That, of course, has nothing to do with actually being able to stick with one! I am down 80 pounds in the past year and a half, and know I would not have accomplished this without the help of someone who took a genuine personal interest in me and who provided accountability. That, in all honesty, is where I think the products you mentioned fall short. They can say the right words, be programmed to give tips, direction, and guidance, but they don’t actually care. No-one is actually there for you. Since you seem to have a personal, not just a professional, interest in weight loss, I thought I should let you know about a program that worked for me.

Matt G.

17pounds gone

From a once personal trainer to a contemplated suicide and back. This is my story of getting back in shape and more. I am in no way a great writer or a person who inspires others, but my hopes are that the story that follows will help someone out there. Most of my life I’ve struggled with my weight, just in the genes man. Some folks always appear fit, and then there are those of us who have to put the time in. But I always worked out from a power lifting background in high school, and later in my early 20’s working as a personal trainer. It’s just something I have always loved to do. So you must be asking why does this guy need to be following a program etc. Should know what he’s doing right? Well that’s easy, life man, it has a way of just catching up with you. While working as a trainer, my wife’s career began to blossom, but her vision became increasingly worse. It required me to drive her to her job, which slowly had me driving about one thousand miles a week. And spending many an hour in the car. But hey that’s what you do ya know, it’s all about the big picture, your family. I always did artwork on the side so wasn’t that big of an issue. I picked up work for our local newspaper early mornings and the mix of driving for my wife and the early morning work took its toll. I was at my heaviest 245 pounds, now lets put this in perspective, I’m only 5’8”. I was wearing a 44 waist pants. Ouch! I know right? I was run down, from living on 2 hours of sleep a night, angry, depressed and just burned out. So one afternoon, I was getting into my car in the garage and just said, “man it would just be so easy to just sit here and let the car idle away, go to sleep, and just be done with all the stress and the unhappiness”. But just couldn’t do it, too much to lose. I got my ever growing a** back to a gym. And training. I stayed consistent for a number of years, got more involved with martial arts and everything seemed good for quite a while. I, like most people, have one little weakness, the scale or the mirror you know, “if only I could lose this or change that”. At the time I was at my lightest about 190 pounds, but wanted to lose more, so a nutritionist recommended a supplement. Was training in hopes of competing in an amateur Maui Thai event. Things were going well, until I wasn’t feeling well. Went to my family doctor, and had to be taken to the hospital ASAP. I was admitted with a resting heart rate of 180. Yes you read that correctly! Took 12 drip bags to get me partially re-hydrated. Left me in cardiac care for a week and a minor lower left bundle branch block. Which has since subsided. So by now your thinking what’s next? Well that’s easy; I started training again, though I gained 40 pounds from the medicine I was put on. I was working out and eating well like I had been, but just stuck in a slump mentally. One afternoon I’m poking around the Internet and come a cross an article on Adam from MyBodyTutor. I thought, “okay, I’ll give him a call see what this is about”. I spent quite a while on the phone with him, cool dude, ya know. I could tell right away that he’s in this to help people. Not for the money or fame, etc. He does it because he cares, and that’s not something you run into any more. What’s interesting is Adam reminded me, that hey I know what to do and how to eat, but he gave me that extra nudge by knowing that he’s got my back. And that’s what’s important; every one needs to feel someone is there for them. So where am I at now, well down 40 pounds since starting MyBodyTutor. This past year I’ve been very blessed to meet and train with some amazing people from martial artists, to currently MyBodyTutor and the great program it is. And the one thing anyone reading this I hope takes away from it is: life can be tough, working out can be tough. You’re gonna fall down, but who gives a s*^t! The only thing that matters is you get up and keep going. And if you need help to keep on going, get it!

Lisa M.

I never really took an ‘official’ before picture but my wife has pics of me that will show just how bad I was looking….ya know what makes me feel good? Seeing people and hearing them say, “Wow, Joe, you look amazing, you look younger and so much healthier,” and I feel healthier too. I’m never feeling like I’m on a ‘diet’ and I’m so proud of how much I’ve changed the way I think about food. On a side note, you gotta be so proud of yourself. This program you came up with is genius. I can’t explain how many people could benefit from this…it’s endless. Good for you, Adam, and good for me for finding it, lol! Cheers and thanks for everything!

Marlene W.

35 pounds gone

completely agree, in theory, with the notion that one’s weight should not be a major contributing factor to one’s state of happiness. Nevertheless, as a result of many elements of my life experience, my weight has always been very important to me. During some challenging emotional times, I succumbed to temptation and gained about 25 pounds over the course of a year. This led to several more years in a vicious cycle of depression, self-loathing, and over-eating. I recognized that I am very diligent about keeping commitments to others, but generally mediocre (or worse) about keeping commitments to myself. I’m also vulnerable to the temptation of “mindless eating”, in which emotionally driven eating causes me to lose track of what I have consumed. The MBT model proved helpful to me in both areas. The activity of tracking, and often photographing, everything I ate helped me to be more aware of my eating and also often helped me enjoy my meals. (I would admire the picture of my healthful food before proceeding to eat). Knowing that I would be reporting everything to my MBT tutor forced me to be mindful of everything I ate. It was also helpful to have daily feedback from my MBT tutor. Adam matched me with a tutor who felt like a true buddy. I believe she genuinely cared about my success, and in addition to providing emotional support, she provided some valuable suggestions about how I could change my eating habits to avoid getting too hungry and then over-eating. She also helped me identify patterns to my emotional eating and develop strategies for avoiding binges. It has now been about 6 weeks since I reached my goal weight. It feels like I have emerged from a black cloud! Every night I take pleasure in planning the next day’s clothes by choosing from items that flatter my figure rather than hide it. Every morning I get dressed and admire, rather than grimace at, my reflection. My overall mood is greatly improved. What a relief!

Judy M.

80 pounds gone

I did three restaurant meals and Passover Seder and made good choices at all of the above. I was NEVER able to do this before. I would set the plan and then ignore it once I was actually in the restaurant. While this may seem small this is huge for me. I think the big difference this time around is my relationship with food is completely different. In the past, I’ve always felt deprived. I didn’t feel deprived at any of these meals. It’s a testament to how good the MBT program is, because I’ve been able to change my relationship with food, something I’ve never been able to do before.

Haley G.

Months ago, Susan talked about you and linked to your website. I checked you out then but wasn’t ready to make the commitment. A client asked me if I knew about a service like yours so I emailed Susan because I couldn’t remember the URL. I also asked her if she was happy, because I hate to recommend a business to a client unless I know someone who had a positive experience. She said she was 100% happy, which coming from Susan is all I need to know. I passed your URL on to my client, and asked my husband to check out your site. He did and signed up right away. He’s blown away by the service and has already lost 12 pounds. He asked if I was ready and said he would support that commitment, so I thought it through and made my decision. Given my battles I know I have a long road ahead, but when Susan said how satisfied she was, and I see how well my husband is doing, I knew it would meet my expectations. She doesn’t sugar coat service performance. She’s fair and honest, and values excellent service.

Vidya G.

15 pounds gone

Just had my medical check up and not to my surprise, all systems go and blood work came out phenomenal. Even my dentist visit was top notch, which usually never happens. I’ve very happy and proud of this! The weight loss is great, but this stuff is really great. Actual proof, that eating consistently, and making better choices will change your health. It was very motivating, the results are in black and white. Thank you. I could never stay consistent before MBT. Now I feel like I can easily sustain this.

Mark M.

15 pounds gone

This program is priceless. I can’t tell you how awesome it really is. I look forward to the daily feedback every day. To me the coolest thing is when I slip up (as you say, we’re not robots) I know I’ll be right back on track for the next meal, whereas with Atkins or any of the other million things I’ve tried, if you ate like 2 french fries you felt like you ruined the whole thing and I would just give up. Thanks so much for teaching me how to eat in a way that I can sustain and helping me overcome my perfectionist mentality!

James L.

30 pounds gone

I just showed up at hospital for a six month pacemaker check up. Upon seeing me the nurse said – WOW! You’ve been losing weight! A LOT of it!!! (And repeated it again a few minutes later.). Thought you’d enjoy hearing it just as much as I did! :-) Thank you!! I couldn’t have done it without MBT!!

Joe S.

32 pounds gone

First time sub 200 in a long time (at least 8 years). Lost a good amount of weight. I have more energy, it’s easier to move around and seeing myself in pictures doesn’t disgust me. I’m actually really happy with the way I look.

Nina M.

I did three restaurant meals and Passover Seder and made good choices at all of the above. I was NEVER able to do this before. I would set the plan and then ignore it once I was actually in the restaurant. While this may seem small this is huge for me. I think the big difference this time around is my relationship with food is completely different. In the past, I’ve always felt deprived. I didn’t feel deprived at any of these meals. It’s a testament to how good the MBT program is, because I’ve been able to change my relationship with food, something I’ve never been able to do before.

Ruth S.

65 pounds gone

I honestly never thought that I would be able to say no to sweets without it being a real struggle. I am so happy to say that I have been able to do that as easily as saying no to food when I’m not hungry. I now find that I am eating consciously and only when I’m hungry and stopping when I’m satisfied, not full or stuffed. This vacation has showed me the progress I’ve made. I’m really grateful for my tutor and Adam for starting MBT. I am so pleased at the progress and that my food choices have been easy and not stressful. I am just so happy! Oh and I lost 35 pounds and I know I’ll be able to keep this weight off! :) Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Lindsay K.

37 pounds gone

Hi Adam, I am absolutely ecstatic with my weight loss, general health and how much exercise I have been doing. I know the exercise is not nearly as much as a lot of your clients, but given my age, my past total lack of consistent exercise and the fact that I have arthritic knees, I couldn’t be more pleased. When I first talked with you (just before I joined MBT), I told you that I was a “lump” who would prefer magic. I must admit I was skeptical about MBT, because I didn’t think having a tutor would make much difference. Boy, was I wrong! I tried MBT because you offered a money back guarantee. I thought you must be very confident of success if you would do that. I think MBT is the closest thing to magic that there will ever be. (Maybe you should change your last name to Potter or Dumbledore). Having said that, my journey, has not been without some challenges, but I have received advice and solutions for all of my concerns from my tutor and you, and I have remained consistent! I now think, eat and handle exercise in a very different way. You are SO RIGHT about consistency and reporting to your tutor. I have found my most dramatic change in thinking was in the “being perfect and all or nothing” approach, that I used to take. I don’t do that anymore. If I haven’t done everything perfectly on any given day, my world hasn’t ended. Wow, who would have thought! Thank-you so much. I would never have believed that I could easily pass up chocolate ice cream without anxiety, but I do! Also congratulations on finally having Asher at home. I know it was a very stressful time for you and your family and I am so glad that you now have all your family under the same roof. Once again, Adam, thank you for pairing me with my tutor, for creating MBT and for the interest that you take personally.

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